Digital Humanities, Bike, Swifts

Chief of research at the Center for Digital Humanities at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (DH@Huji lab)

PhD in Computer Science. and MA studies in Hebrew Literature at Ben Gurion University.  

My dissertation combined computational linguistics, natural language generation and augmentative and alternative communication.

In recent years I teach Digital Humanities at Haifa,Tel-Aviv, Ben Gurion Universities and in Digital Humanities related institutions such as the European Summer University of Leipzig (ESU) and the winter school @ HUJI, for students and scholars from the Humanities, Computer Science, and Archiving studies.

I am a partner at the Digital Humanities lab in Haifa University and one of the leading partners of the Mizrahion – the people’s archive for social struggles in Israel.

Until recently I worked at Dicta, the Israeli Center for Text Analysis.

Together with Keren Shuster we are ‘Eva Anita‘ developing methods for digital personal archives.

My main work now is developing and implementing methods for digital personal archives; I am most interested in knowledge representation for LAM – libraries, archives and museums and for the humanities.

Tools I know very well:


